cognitive diversity keynotes & workshops from Sonia Jeantet
Sonia offers a variety of inspiring keynotes and practical workshops in the following areas:

Sales | Marketing | Finance | Information Services |
Organization Development | Corporate HQ Teams | Field Teams


  • The Power of Cognitive Diversity

    The business conditions leaders are now facing have been described as complex situations requiring breakthrough solutions. How much experience do you or your team have accessing the field where the whole universe of options exists? If you are like most leaders, you have honed your expertise within the discipline and area that is your specialty. Predictably, your thinking is influenced by your environment. Be ready to experience cognitive diversity as you build new neural pathways. An ambidextrous brain provides a significant advantage for leadership success.

  • Integrative Leadership

    What if there was a model for leaders to zoom in on that delivers solid returns and builds permanent resilience? What if leaders who applied this model attracted talent ready to respond and thrive in the midst of disruption? Your organization would experience and benefit from the proven results of Integrative Leaders.

  • Innovation Management – Return on Imaginative Intelligence

    In recent times, how often did you explore where and how to pivot to adjust to changing circumstances? To do this successfully, you probably explored concepts you would have considered paradoxical in the past. Imaginative Intelligence is the ability to convert the raw material of experience and insight across disciplines of knowledge into inventive work. Perhaps innovation management used to be reserved for the creative functions in your business. However, the pace of change and new technology will now require that leaders facilitate effective brainstorming in all disciplines. Learn three concepts that will build your sense for managing the creative process of others.

  • Cognitive Agility – Timing Super Power

    Intelligence + Wisdom = Good Intuition for when to make a move. An example from the world of sports is a baseball player skilled at stealing bases. His experience, instincts, real-time observations, and talent all combine to give him cognitive agility: when to run and when to stay put. All these ingredients apply to your executives whose decisions on timing may redefine your business. Learn the secrets of those that use both sides of their brain simultaneously and build this Super Power.


The Integrative Leader Model for whole brain cognitive diversity

Framework of resilient organizations

The plot to a great story that fulfills its quest answers the five “W” questions and shares how the treasure was attained. For organizations, the quest to stay relevant and thrive begins by achieving a sustainable and resilient state across the organization. This workshop will take you on the journey an Integrative Leader follows to attain that result.

Optimizing Return:

The Cambridge English dictionary defines optimize as “To make something as good or effective as possible.” Our workshops are designed to boost, enhance, or advance your business from several relevant positions that impact your results. Have you heard that “an overused strength becomes a weakness?” Over-emphasis on a competency favoring only a portion of your entire thinking capabilities may unintentionally diminish opportunities. Explore how to engage your full thinking potential to maximize returns across many dimensions.

Sonia and Her Team have extensive experience with workshops that
deliver for her clients a positive return on the following:
  • Situational Awareness

    This workshop defines location for your organization. Your team will explore and answer questions like: Where is the industry today? Is your organization aligned to the current state of that industry? Should it be? Or are your best prospects in a new or adjacent industry? How different are the circumstances for your current and potential new customers?

  • Investment

    Investments that yield solid returns have many dependencies. What would have been a “no brainer” investment could prove to be a “dud” in the midst of unprecedented change. Managing risk and identifying opportunity today require new conversations. We will help you design the steps and questions that will create new neural connections for your team to arrive at positioning investments that yield the returns you need now. For example: In the midst of changing economic priorities, what are productive short-, mid-, and long-term investments? How will you measure them?

  • Imaginative Intelligence

    Has your team been surprised by what are relevant products or services due to new market conditions? To tap into the imaginative intelligence reservoir in your organization you may need to make room for more colleagues to engage. The criteria for evaluating promising next-generation products and services may require a different approach to scenario planning. Co-create a new framework with your team for mining and accessing their full thinking potential as they evaluate new technologies and customer needs.

  • Implementation

    New employees and leaders in new roles experience success when they apply the knowledge gained from “What works here to get things done?” In the midst of change, how the work gets done changes to be responsive to the circumstances. This workshop provides the forum for your team to unravel and build processes that provide guidance for handling new conditions and operational demands.

  • Interpersonal Interaction

    The culture of an organization is established by the connections made within and among the individuals that work together. There are key ingredients in the recipe for successful interactions: a healthy dose of emotional intelligence practices (a right-brain strength and a cup of constructive conflict tools), a critical thinking strength, one pound of accountability – in short, a whole brain construct. This workshop shares the recipe for high-performing teams such that you can shape a resilient and cohesive culture.

  • Cognitive Agility

    How much stronger would your organization be if you raised the percentage of leaders and employees who could “connect the dots” quickly when presented with new circumstances? Organizations keep challenging information technology to provide new reports for analyzing performance, which help with determining when to act or make changes to strategy, investments, etc. Accessing your whole brain simultaneously enhances IT-based analyses to grow and improve an individual’s ability to “connect the dots.” Wisdom and accurate intuition are byproducts of this practice. This workshop shares how to best build this competency in your organization.


Transitions questionnaire to design 2024 leveraging your 2023 experience.